BadgeOS Interactive Progress Map FAQs

Showing “No achievements to display” even if there are achievements.

Make sure that the Display In Progress Map option is checked on the achievement type. Go to BadgeOS > Achievement types (menu) > Achievement type (Badges, Levels, etc) and check the option Display in Progress Map to show on the interactive map.

Can we limit the achievements to be displayed on the map?

Yes, we can limit the achievements to be displayed on the map. Insert the limit in the shortcode pop up.

How to show all achievement, completed achievement and not completed achievements on the progress map?  

Use the shortcode [badgeos_interactive_progress_map].It will show all the filters i.e All Achievements, Completed Achievements and Not completed Achievements.

How to show only completed Achievement?

Use this shortcode to list all completed achievements[badgeos_interactive_progress_map status="completed"]

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