BadgeOS Reports Add-on Overview
Installation / Setup Instruction:
The following are the step by step instructions to setup BadgeOS Reports Addon:
- Install and Activate the BadgeOS plugin.
- Install and Activate BadgeOS Reports Addon.
- BadgeOS Reports menu will show under the BadgeOS menu.
The license key can be configured from BadgeOS > Settings > BadgeOS Add-on Licenses. License keys can be found at your email address when you purchased the addon.
Place your license key in the field and click on the Save Settings.
BadgeOS Reports:
Basically, there are four types of reports.
- Achievement Type Reports.
- Active Users’ Reports.
- Points Reports.
- Rank Types Reports.
BadgeOS Reports:
Click BadgeOS Reports to view all the registered BadgeOS reports. i.e Achievement Type Reports, Active User Reports, Points Reports, and Ranks Reports.
1. Achievement Type Reports:
All achievement types are listing under the BadgeOS Reports menu. Click on the achievement type to show reports.
Limits Results From Date:
- Two date fields showing on the top, on clicking the field calendar also appear from where we can select a date to limit badges result. So it will show only those badges that were awarded between the selected date.
Reports columns:
- Badges reports can be seen in the three columns showing Total Badges, Total Badges Awarded and Avg Earning Per Badges.
Badge Table:
- All earned badges will list in this table. The table containing three columns i.e Badge name, Earning count and Last earned respectively.
To view a more detailed table you can click on the desired badge/achievement.
To view a more detailed table you can click on the desired badge/achievement.
Download Table as CSV:
- Download the table as CSV will download the table in an excel file.
2. Active User Reports:
In Active user reports only those users will list that has earned a badge.
Limits Results From Date:
- Two date fields showing on the top, on clicking the field calendar also appears from where we can select a date to limit user activity results.
Reports columns:
- User reports can be seen in the three columns showing Active User, Total Users, and Percent Active.
Users Table:
- All users who have earned a badge will list in this table. A table containing eight columns i.e Username, First name, Last name, Email, Total Achievements, Achievements Earned In Range, Last Achievement Date and Date Joined respectively.
Download Table as CSV:
- Download the table as CSV will download the table in an excel file.
3. Points Reports:
The points reports option allows you to view the awarded points report and to download the report as CSV.
Limits Results From Date:
- Two date fields showing on the top, on clicking the field calendar also appears from where we can select a date to limit points results. So it will show only those users that had been awarded points between the selected date.
Reports columns:
- Points reports can be seen in the three columns showing Total Users, Total balance and Average Points per User.
Points Types Table:
- All users who have earned points will list in this table. The table containing five columns i.e Point Type, Earned Points, Deducted Points, Total Points, and Last earned respectively.
To view each Points Types details, you have to click on the desired point types in this table. The table containing nine columns i.e User name, First name, Last name, Email, Earned Points, Deducted Points, Total points, Trans#, and Last Earned respectively.
To view each Points Types details, you have to click on the desired point types in this table. The table containing nine columns i.e User name, First name, Last name, Email, Earned Points, Deducted Points, Total points, Trans#, and Last Earned respectively.
Download Table as CSV:
- Download the table as CSV will download the table in an excel file.
4. Ranks Reports:
The ranks reports option allows you to view the awarded ranks report and to download that report as CSV.
Limits Results From Date:
- Two date fields showing on the top, on clicking the field calendar also appears from where we can select a date to limit ranks results. So it will show only those users that had been awarded ranks between the selected date.
Points Types Table:
- All ranks earned by the users will list in this table. The table containing three columns i.e Ranks, Total Earned and Last Earned respectively.
To view each Rank Types details, you have to click on the desired rank type in this table.
To view each Rank Types details, you have to click on the desired rank type in this table.